Merchant Prince
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Merchant Prince Neon.png) |
Award recognizing a Free Trader Network organizer, a Merchant Prince! |
Admrobbo, Bezmozgu, Horizon Ian, Horizon Jeff, Littlebuddha, Loadgoldandgo |
Free Trader Network Member
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/FTN.png) |
Member of Traveller Customizable Card Game Organized Play Community, the Free Trader Network |
abouffard, Admrobbo, Alphyns, Andugus, Aproximo, Artteach2, aslan69, Asmoridin, azegoca, Azhanti1234, Azzbad, Baron_Gerry_Rail, Bezmozgu, BigChrisDid, Blaisepascal, BlitzVonLuck, Bluenose, Bolluxx, bonni255, BookisBest, Bottlesorter, Branr, Bronning, Buzz Saiyan, C.Pine, Captain Brasso, Chang Yee Fong, chrisboote, coder1000, Cpt Ric, craigt13, dagda2121, Darkhstarr, darkmane, devinedesigns, Devinedesigns12, docrocray, domingojs23, Dropbear, Dybbuk, Ear, electronjon, elthrasher, emcc, eristotle, Erolat, ExileInParadise, Fealhach, Fovean, Freeloading Phill, Frewfrux, frogstar168, ftang23, geoffk, Gimgamgoo, GodricTheWell, gregcaires, Gridlore, Grognerd, Herumen, Horizon Ian, Horizon Jeff, howling_duck, Hsaw Nala, hubcommish, ianmward, Iosef, iselmon, JasonRed3, jerod_tb, jmt, jtisdel, Kagesh, kalaao, kbslater, Kedvenc, Kensei10, krokmaster, Kublaibenzine, laserburn, LeperColony, Littlebuddha, Loadgoldandgo, LondonEvans1851, LongTom, lordjim, lost47, MadWelshWizard, Mansfeld666, MarkTriumphant, maryann, Metropolis_Games, MisplacedBuckeye, Mister Hutchings, Mistermoto, MMcKinney620, Molinext, MormonYoYoMan, Mr D, Nebbish, Nigakero, NorthernVA_GUY, NoSoup4you, Nyarlathotep, onesuponagame, oshiricohn, Ossian, othermark, paub, PendulumSS, PepsimanX, Pete80602, pete_darby, peterh211, philpugliese, Rcc1166, Redferner, Rerednaw, resqspec, rjenkins145, robbat@ntlworld.com, Rodent, Rodzilla68, Rraurgrimm, russ484, samuelcollins, Shijuro, smiley1081, SolomanMedici, Sophontologist, Spuds, SrNicely, stewman, stirlingsnewberry, Stitchesbritches, Stovall, StuartSmith183, Sunray42, Susurrus, szekeler, ThePrisoner, tim.hammond, tiqdreng, Titian Uranus, tkaya, Traveller-Jake, trepedatius, tribaldawn, TriOpticon, TueyRudolf, unholycorndog, unseen giraffe, vanderhuge, Vince1947, Vitamagne, Wargamermike, Wargfn, windforce, wrrlykam, Xambro7, Your Buddy Chester, Zolomion |
Kickstarter Rewards |
Kickstarter Backer
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/KSmed2.png) |
Reward for our Kickstarter Backers |
abouffard, AcesofDeath7, Admrobbo, ajb, AllanJR, Alphyns, Andugus, Aproximo, Asmoridin, Azhanti1234, Baron_Gerry_Rail, Beastman, Bezmozgu, BigChrisDid, Bindoner, Blaisepascal, Bluenose, bonni255, Bottlesorter, Branr, chrisboote, ClearEyes, coder1000, Cpt Ric, CraigOliver, Cybermage, Darkhstarr, darkmane, denn, Devinedesigns12, DJCT, djpeterso23662, docrocray, Dropbear, Dybbuk, elthrasher, Erolat, ExileInParadise, Fael, Fealhach, Firetracker, Fission Chips, Fovean, Freeloading Phill, Frewfrux, Garreb, Gimgamgoo, GodricTheWell, gregcaires, gremlin, greypilgrim, Gridlore, griffon8, Grognerd, havatar, hemulen, ianmward, Iosef, jackfs4, JasonRed3, JasonT, Jerathustra, jimastro67@att.net, jmt, Jofe Zasa, kbierre6, kbslater, Kensei10, KiEffimar, Kraulnik, Kublaibenzine, Kuhnel, laserburn, Maize, MarkTriumphant, marty, Matt Adcock, MormonYoYoMan, Mr D, Nebbish, Nerelax, NikToo, Noilly_Pratt, nukesnipe, Nyarlathotep, Ossian, othermark, PepsimanX, Pete80602, philpugliese, pvernon, Rags, ranger2261, realpaleone, resqspec, RKFM, Roamer, robbat@ntlworld.com, RobertPearce, Rodent, Rraurgrimm, rtwishon, Saber Wilko, Shamurai, Shijuro, skiwolf7, smiley1081, SolomanMedici, Spuds, SrNicely, sTiVo, Strephon, terton, ThePrisoner, theprofessor, Tim D, tim.hammond, timpaa, Titian Uranus, tkaya, Tulaurim, unseen giraffe, Vince1947, Wargamermike, Wargfn, WinsomeLewsome, Zolomion |
Forum Awards |
Traveller Contributor
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Imperial Sunburst.png) |
Award recognizing contributors to Traveller product lines and important online resources. |
LeperColony, SrNicely, Strephon |
Shadow Easter Egg
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Easter Egg.png) |
Award for revealing an obscure reference on a Traveller CCG product! |
Frewfrux, Mithgiladan, SolomanMedici, Wargfn |
Easter Egg
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Faberge Easter Egg.png) |
Award for revealing a reference in a Traveller CCG product! |
Baron_Gerry_Rail, Cpt Ric, Dropbear, Frewfrux, Gatsby Seeker, Hsaw Nala, Iron Giant, Mr D, Rodent, SolomanMedici, Spuds, Traveller-Jake, Wargfn |
Ghost Easter Egg
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Ghost Easter Egg.png) |
An award for a "reference" not originally intended but identified by a member and thematically appropriate. |
Bezmozgu |
Community Honor
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Community Award (2).png) |
Award recognizing the user as particularly active and helpful among the Traveller CCG community. |
Admrobbo, JasonT, Wargfn |
Event Organizer
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Event Organizer.png) |
Award recognizing the user as having organized and held a scheduled event! |
Bezmozgu, Littlebuddha, Your Buddy Chester |
Event Winner
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Event Winner color.png) |
An award for winning a sanctioned event |
Littlebuddha |
Event Participant
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Event Participants.png) |
Award for participating in a sanctioned event! |
Littlebuddha, Your Buddy Chester |
Early Contributor
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Early Contributor.png) |
An award recognizing early participants on the TravellerCCG forums |
Admrobbo, Azhanti1234, ClearEyes, Devinedesigns12, JasonT, LeperColony, marty, Noilly_Pratt, smiley1081, Spuds, unseen giraffe, Zolomion |
Miscellaneous Contribution
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Miscellaneous Forum Contribution.png) |
An award recognizing a special contribution to the forums |
Bezmozgu, Cpt Ric, dr_moffett, Dybbuk, Frewfrux, GodricTheWell, Kuhnel, Mithgiladan, NightHydra, Noilly_Pratt, Redferner, RogerDodger, SR2017, TeddyBear, tribaldawn, Zolomion |
External Awards |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/amazon.png) |
Reviewed us on Amazon! |
Medal Not Issued |
Boardgamegeek Rating
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Boardgamegeek.png) |
Rated the Traveller Customizable Card Game on Boardgamegeek! |
Azzbad, Baron_Gerry_Rail, Bezmozgu, Cpt Ric, Curufin, Dropbear, Freeloading Phill, GodricTheWell, jmt, Littlebuddha, MadWelshWizard, SolomanMedici, Wargfn |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Facebook.png) |
Follows us on Facebook! |
Cpt Ric, Dropbear, Frewfrux, JasonT, jmt, Noilly_Pratt, nukesnipe, Rodent, Susurrus, Wargfn |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Google+.png) |
Joined the Traveller Customizable Card Game Google+ Community! |
CraigOliver, Dropbear, GodricTheWell, Wargfn |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Pinterest.png) |
Follows our Pinterest! |
Fovean, Wargfn |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Reddit.png) |
Subscribes to our subreddit! |
Noilly_Pratt, Wargfn |
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Follows us on Twitter! |
Cpt Ric, Dropbear, GodricTheWell, Noilly_Pratt, Susurrus, Wargfn |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/Vimeo.png) |
Subscribes to our Vimeo channel! |
Medal Not Issued |
![](https://www.travellerccg.com/forums/images/medals/YouTube.png) |
Subscribes to our YouTube channel! |
Baron_Gerry_Rail, Bottlesorter, Dropbear, Fovean, JasonT, Wargfn |