Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out?

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Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out?

Post by pvanniervp » Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:38 am

The rules say that you can add a :complication to any :contract in play, and if the number of slots has already been reached then you are supposed to swap out an existing one for a new one.

Do you have to fill up all the slots on all :contract in play before you can start swapping out :complication ? I think that's the intent, otherwise you could just keep swapping out a :complication on a :contract that only has one slot over and over without ever adding any more to other :contract, apart from the ones that were added during set-up.
But since the rules don't explicitly say that (unless I missed something), I just wanted a clarification.

Thanks for your time.

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Re: Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out

Post by pvanniervp » Wed May 04, 2022 7:36 am

Anyone has an answer to this one? I posted it almost two months ago now, thanks!

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Horizon Ian

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Re: Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out

Post by Horizon Ian » Thu May 05, 2022 9:25 pm

Sorry for the slow response.

You only remove a Complication when placing one if the Contract is full.

For example, Contract can hold 3 Complications. If it has 2 Complications attached, adding another will result in 3 attached. Someone adding one if 3 are already attached will cause one of that player's choice to be removed (any that are unrevealed remain unrevealed so may have to guess which one is the best to remove).
Ian Lee
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Re: Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out

Post by pvanniervp » Fri May 06, 2022 9:13 am

Thanks, Ian, but I was asking if you need to add complications to all slots on every single contract in play until all the slots on all contracts are occupied before you can start swapping them out, or can you swap complications out at any time on any contract once the complication limit has been reached?

My question was perhaps a little unclear upon re-reading it, hope this is clearer, thank you!

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Re: Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out

Post by Horizon Ian » Tue May 10, 2022 9:48 pm

Each contract is treated separately. That's not the clearest way to put it, so:

Four contracts in play, all have 2 complication limit. One has 0 complications (currently), two have 1 complication, last has 2 complications. You can place a complication on the last and switch that out without caring about the other contracts in play.
Ian Lee
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Re: Adding a complication during the Adventure phase: do you have to fill up all contract slots before you swap some out

Post by pvanniervp » Wed May 11, 2022 3:35 am

Thanks for clarifying, Ian!

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