Complications' Chose One

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Complications' Chose One

Post by Wargfn » Thu Mar 28, 2019 6:16 pm

Let's say I have a complication that says Choose one: of three options. May I select an invalid option if there is a valid choice I can preform? What if say in a list of three options, by some quirk, I can't Jettison cards because I don't have any that match and I cant perform the last action of Discard 2 cards because I am holding 0 cards.. Can I resolve the complication?

Discard (card):
The act of moving cards from hand to the discard pile. It does not include moving cards from the top of one’s deck to the discard pile to meet an expense (see Expend). It also does not include moving cards in play to the discard pile (see Jettison). Only captain’s cards can be discarded, as adventure cards are never part of a hand.

Seems to me that the complication cost must explicitly be payed; however, some text on complication cards while playing solo such as "Each other captain" can't be paid directly in solo mode either.

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Horizon Jeff

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Re: Complications' Chose One

Post by Horizon Jeff » Thu Mar 28, 2019 7:55 pm

It would matter on the exact wording of the card, to be honest.

In general, for the :complication where you have to do something, you have to be able to do it to meet it. Whereas if your opponent gets to/has to make a choice, "nothing" is a valid choice. This is a common theme in CCGs, where the idea is to reward play that reduces an opponent's option.

For example, imagine two requirements.

1) Jettison a :crew

This is something you must do to fulfill the requirement. If you can't jettison a crew, then you can't resolve it.

2) Choose an opposing captain. That captain chooses a :crew you control and jettisons is.

In this case, if you have no :crew, you do resolve the :complication.

So in your multiple-choice scenario it would really matter a lot on the exact wording of each requirement.


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Re: Complications' Chose One

Post by Wargfn » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:10 am

So in this example,

Jettison target :crew trait,
Jettison target :crew some other trait
Discard 2 card.

If I could not match any of these options lets say because of no cards in hand and no :crew with matching traits, then I would be unable to resolve this complication.

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Horizon Jeff

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Re: Complications' Chose One

Post by Horizon Jeff » Fri Mar 29, 2019 5:33 am


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