Frontier Shipping Co. - Rules Clarification

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Frontier Shipping Co. - Rules Clarification

Post by Frewfrux » Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:49 pm

The text on this card is as follows:

" :exert, :vp: Add a :cargo token to your Resource Pool. Any other Captain may give you a :vp to add a :cargo token to their Resource Pool."

Is the second sentence dependent on the action in the first sentence? So, that could read: "When you do this, any other Captain..."

Or may other Captains give you :vp for :cargo at any point just for having the connection in play?


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Re: Frontier Shipping Co. - Rules Clarification

Post by Admrobbo » Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:59 am

The second sentence is linked to the first. So this only happens each time this is triggered, it is not "always active".

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Re: Frontier Shipping Co. - Rules Clarification

Post by Frewfrux » Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:33 am

So then, would it be for the rest of the resource phase that the other players have that option, or only as a :reaction to your using the card effect? Neither option seems unbalancing, and I could easily see both being the case.


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Re: Frontier Shipping Co. - Rules Clarification

Post by Admrobbo » Sun Feb 18, 2018 8:41 am

It is only at that moment. They either do it or they don't at that time.

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